Hi All, I replaced my 2 x group 24 batteries with 2 trojan T-105 golf cart batteries. I didn't consider the posts when I purchased the batteries and now that they're on the boat I realize that the battery cables won't work with these batteries. I had made considerations about size, space, load etc but not the actual physical properties of the posts. (I made cardboard mockups and they fit just like so)
Anyway, I need an adapter like this: http://thumbs1.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mLLQIF_sRVx-dY8oMZ0k15Q.jpg 1. what the heck is that called? 2. where can I get them?!!! I have found a lot of suppliers that sell the "male" version of that but I need it just like in the photo. Unless I'm missing something - which is entirely in the realm of possibility. I don't have the tools to crimp new lugs onto the cables nor can I remove the cables from the boat to have it done. They are very nicely routed through the boat and that's a whole can of worms I don't care to open. Thanks, Steve Suhana, C&C 32 Toronto
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