Not screwy, just different. My 1980 version has a separate intake hose for the 
head, and a Y valve, so I have three holes in the hull in that area, counting 
the sink drain. 





From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Randy 
Stafford via CnC-List
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2016 11:04 PM
To: cnc-list <>
Subject: Stus-List Head Plumbing




If you'll humor me again, I'd like to get your comments on how the head on my 
boat (30-1 #7) is currently plumbed.


The intake hose is teed into the vanity sink drain to its through hull.  The 
discharge hose goes to a holding tank only (no Y-valve for overboard discharge).


It's the intake hose I'm wondering about.  I suppose with the vanity sink drain 
through-hull seacock closed, e.g. when underway, I could pump fresh water into 
the head by first pumping it into the vanity sink and letting the sink drain.  
When not underway, with the vanity sink drain through-hull seacock open, I 
could pump raw water into the head.


Does that sound reasonable, or is my boat's head intake plumbing screwy?





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