
I echo Ken’s comments about our Spring in Nova Scotia.  This week we had 50+ F 
(10, 14, 11, 7 C) temperatures Thursday thru Sunday.  Perfect weather for 
Spring Commissioning, paint, epoxy tasks.  This is to be followed by below 
freezing and 15-20 cm (6-8 in) snow Monday and Tuesday and then back up to 50+ 
again next weekend.  Almost depends on which way the wind is blowing

This gives us the question of do we start or do we wait?  We can commission the 
boat, wait out the snow then launch or just go sit at home in front of the 
fireplace and wait til May

Sailing is best 2nd week of June and onward.  Even in June it can still be cold 
some days


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Ken Heaton 
via CnC-List
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 9:35 PM
To: cnc-list
Cc: Ken Heaton
Subject: Re: Stus-List A little help from our neighbors up north...

Spring is really unpredictable.  This year it looks like spring is going to 
come quite early.  Many bodies of water that are often frozen in winter did not 
freeze at all this year.  There was no appreciable pack ice coming down from 
the north, not much ice in the gulf so we expect the water to warm up much 
sooner than usual this year.  I expect many people will have boats in at the 
local clubs in before the end of April  I think there are boats already sailing 
down Halifax way.

Ken H.

On 31 March 2016 at 21:29, John Pennie via CnC-List 
<<>> wrote:
Thanks Ken.  How early does the season start?   I would expect to move the boat 
to Mass or so the fall before.  We’ll be leaving from New York.


On Mar 31, 2016, at 8:01 PM, Ken Heaton 
<<>> wrote:

Atlantic Coast of Nova Scotia, the season lasts into mid September without some 
heat source.  Bras d'Or Lakes of Cape Breton Island, mid September without some 
sort of heat, with diesel heat your're good to the end of September, the first 
week or two of October perhaps.

The Bras d'Or Lakes are an amazing, 450 square mile oasis, a refuge, an escape 
from the fog, rough seas and cold water of the open coastline.  The east and 
west coasts of Cape Breton Island are also warmer and sunnier than Maine even 
though further north.

"A basin ringed by indigo hills laced with marble. Islands within a sea inside 
an island."

A local online resource, maintained by volunteers from the Dobson Yacht Club in 
Sydney Harbour is Cruising Cape Breton. It is a cruising guide that can be used 
online OR downloaded to your computer. It is constantly updated, to make sure 
the information is always current.

Among other things it contains hundreds of detailed charts of the multitude of 
anchorages in the Bras d'or and around Cape Breton Island. You can use it 
directly off your computer or print the chartlets, etc. to have paper backup if 
you wish.

Link to Cruising Cape Breton here:

Ken Heaton & Anne Tobin
S/V Salazar - Can 54955
C&C 37/40 XL - Hull # 67
Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia

On 31 March 2016 at 19:45, John Pennie via CnC-List 
<<>> wrote:
So I’m starting to get Paws (and me) ready for the next round of extended 
cruising.  It took eight years to recover from the last one.  Anyway, the 
thought is to head north this time - Maine, Nova Scotia, potentially 
Newfoundland.  So here’s the question - how long is the sailing season in that 
area.  I’m not talking sailing for Canadians, I’m talking sailing season for 
sissy-boy I won’t wear socks Americans.  Joking aside, I would assume some kind 
of diesel heat for nights is pretty much prerequisite.

Thanks in advance



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