Back in the day I bought Octopus drives when installing Autohelm/Raytheon 
autopilots. Back then at least we thought of them as better and cheaper.


Joe Della Barba <> 




From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Pete 
Shelquist via CnC-List
Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2016 11:40 AM
Cc: Pete Shelquist <>
Subject: Stus-List Octopus linear drive


All - 

I need to replace my autopilot ram and am considering the Octopus 1212LAR12.  
Anyone have installation or use experience with the brand?  At a recent boat 
show the only input I had was from competitors that stated the units are loud.  


Also, I made a quick search in my saved emails and did not find any previous 
references.  Please forward if you have something.




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