The scupper thru-hulls were the only ones I left alone on Suhana. I
replaced all else with seacocks, new backing plates and new thru-hulls.
Like yours, mine were flush mounted. The stuff on the market is smaller so
I filled the remaining gap with thickened epoxy, mostly successful (looks a
bit off but you barely notice). I would recommend just filling the counter
sunk hole and mounting standard mushroom thru-hulls, seems easier and more

Suhana, C&C 32

On Sun, Feb 7, 2016 at 7:44 PM, Rick Bushie via CnC-List <> wrote:

> Anchovy got all new through hull fittings and proper seacocks four years
> ago. I bought everything, including flush fitting through hulls from Deep
> Blue Yacht Supply. I used a small diamond cutting wheel on my Rotozip to
> cut out the old fittings.
> Rick Bushie
> Anchovy, 30-1, Hull 1
> Worton, MD.
> Sent from my iPhone
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