Thank you Stu. No worries - I can be patient. You'll notice a few duplicate 
orders from me - I neglected to note your mailing address the first time. I 
mailed you a check for one manual, and I only need one :) 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Stu via CnC-List" <> 
Cc: "Stu" <> 
Sent: Sunday, February 7, 2016 7:24:37 AM 
Subject: Stus-List Photo Album Orders, etc. 

Hi all 
As noted by Joe, we are in Florida trying to avoid the Canadian winter. Some 
how, it is not as warm and sunny as expected, but we have not had to shovel any 
During our absence from Canada, I have listed burgees and decals as being ‘Out 
of Stock” until mid-April. I just don’t have the room to carry the equipment 
and/or a stock of items. Once we get back home, everything will be ready to 
Owners’ Manuals are different. They are downloadable and don’t take any space. 
If you use PayPal, your download link will be sent once I receive confirmation 
of payment. Checks and money orders take longer. It can take up to 2 weeks for 
the postal services to send a letter from USA to Canada. My home mailbox is 
checked daily and I am notified when it arrives – mind you, I can’t cash it til 
I get back home. PayPal is preferred. 
If you have sent me a document to be posted on the Photo Album and don’t see it 
posted, don’t worry, it will be there sometime. Our internet connections suck 
big time. Some days it works. If I do get connected, I might as well have a 
dial-up connection with a 256K modem. And I refuse to pay for a monthly service 
that would need a 2nd mortgage on the house to pay for it. 
So if you made a purchase, sent a document or try to contact me, we will reply 
as soon as possible – just be patient. 
Have a good one 


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