Stu : is really reliable . If he has not sent them yet then there is a reason . 
I'll forward your e mail to him just in case there was an issue . 

Sent from Joe Bognar
C&C 30 1979 
In luff Again 11

> On Feb 6, 2016, at 11:16 PM, Randy Stafford via CnC-List 
> <> wrote:
> Hello C&C Sailors,
> I recently bought C&C 30 MK1 hull #7 (if I'm decoding correctly; full hull 
> number is 30007972).  Up until 2012, this boat was named Ruby (after her red 
> topsides, I presume), and was in the Grand Traverse Yacht Club in Traverse 
> City, MI.  Does anybody know anything about the history of this boat?
> More to the point of this email's subject, I ordered an owner's manual from 
> Stu Murray and sent a check to him at the address listed on the cncphotoalbum 
> website, but have yet to get any kind of response.  Is that still a viable 
> way to obtain an owner's manual?
> Thanks in advance and best regards.
> Randy Stafford
> S/V Grenadine
> C&C 30 MK1
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