Hi David,
FWIW, I've lived abroad and I suppose, was more looking for the "word on
the street" with respect to the way things actually work with respect to
the origin of one's MMSI.
--Bob M

On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 10:54 PM, David Lenehan via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

> Bob,
> No one can give you a definitie answer about how you will be treated upon
> arrival in any port anywhere in the world.  It can and does vary.
> Having dealt with bureaucracies for what seems like forever, the official
> answer you will get is simple:  "You must comply with the law when you
> visit the Bahamas."  It's the same in any country.  How that is enforced is
> often up to the individual official - some are tougher than others; some
> have their favourite areas to look for, and; some are outright pigs.
> When I was at school, I was one of the physically big and capable kids.
> It was a policy to avoid the bullies who I stood up to and I was left alone
> by them.  Occasionally I got asked to help out some kid who was being
> picked on.  My advice was usually the same:  "Why go where you know they'll
> be and get targetted?  Don't give them a reason or opportunity to bully
> you."
> The same advice applies here regardless of how the last skipper you spoke
> to was treated in Nassau, Buenos Aires or Port Vila.  Be suitably informed
> and obey their laws.  It's not that difficult even if it costs a little
> more in the short term.  It may save you big time on arrival.
> Hope that helps
> David
> On 16 January 2016 at 14:28, bobmor99 . via CnC-List <
> cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
>> Thank you Rick for your detailed reply.
>> I think my question still boils down to whether a DSC All Ships Distress
>> Alert sent e.g. from Bahamian waters from a radio with a BoatUS-issued MMSI
>> would be treated equally as a boat with a (U.S.) federally issued MMSI.
>> --Bob M
>> Ox 33-1
>> Jax, FL
>> On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 9:49 PM, Rick Brass via CnC-List <
>> cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
>>> The basic difference between an MMSI issued by Boat/US and one from the
>>> FCC is the availability of the data to search and rescue agencies. Boat/US
>>> share the database of boat description, emergency contacts, persons on
>>> board, cell phones aboard, etc. with the USCG. So if you make a distress
>>> call in US waters (or within range of the USCG) they look up your boat
>>> information, call your home and emergency contacts to make sure it is not a
>>> false alarm, call you back on the radio to identify your emergency and
>>> start the SAR process.
>>> If you are out of the area covered by USCG, the SAR agency that gets
>>> your DSC mayday call gets your MMSI and position, but does not have access
>>> to the other information you submit with your application. They know you’re
>>> out there, but they don’t know who they are looking for or what resources
>>> they might need. That could potentially impede the search. Also, the
>>> majority of mayday calls received by the USCG are false alarms or hoaxes.
>>> Not to disparage any 3rd world SAR agencies or imply that the response
>>> to a call will be less than efficient, but can’t you imagine the following:
>>> “Hey, jefe, there is some bozo sending a distress call, but I can’t tell
>>> who or what they are.” “Damn. There’s a storm out there and it’s probably a
>>> false alarm anyway. Send out Pablo in the morning to see if he can see
>>> what’s up.”
>>> Information associated with an MMSI issued by the FCC is shared not just
>>> with the USCG, but also internationally.
>>> If you are going to be out of US territorial waters you are legally
>>> supposed to have a Ship’s Station License issued by the FCC. Getting the
>>> license usually includes the MMSI number. You also need a Ship Station
>>> License if you are operating other equipment like AIS, radar, SSB or other
>>> HF radio, or an EPIRB.  Boat/US says Canada does not enforce the licensing
>>> requirement. Don’t know whether it comes up when entering other countries,
>>> but not having all the appropriate paperwork and licenses when clearing
>>> into a country might be a cause for hassles, fees, and delays.
>>> *From:* CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] *On Behalf Of 
>>> *bobmor99
>>> . via CnC-List
>>> *Sent:* Friday, January 15, 2016 6:44 PM
>>> *To:* cnc-list@cnc-list.com
>>> *Cc:* bobmor99 . <bobmo...@gmail.com>
>>> *Subject:* Stus-List MMSI Number Assigning Authority (USA and Canada)
>>> Just read the nice BoatUS MMSI FAQ.
>>> https://www.boatus.com/mmsi/faq.asp
>>> As I understand it, both Canadian and US boaters have a choice for
>>> quick-easy-free MMSI number assignment (by Industry Canada or BoatUS) or a
>>> slower, not-free gov't issued MMSI number (which ends in a zero).
>>> Non-gov't issued MMSI numbers are only for use in Canadian or US waters.
>>> What would be the ramifications if I issued a DSC distress call from a
>>> radio with a BoatUS-supplied MMSI in, e.g., Bahamian waters?
>>> Would it go unnoticed? Would I be fined? Sorry to sound like a scofflaw,
>>> just trying to understand how the system works.
>>> Bob M
>>> Ox 33-1
>>> Jax, FL
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