To start, "they" may not be able to determine the boat information from the database. Beyond that, it may give that foreign government grounds to fine you. Remember the DSC distress call includes your location info.
Josh On Jan 15, 2016 6:44 PM, "bobmor99 . via CnC-List" <> wrote: > Just read the nice BoatUS MMSI FAQ. > > > As I understand it, both Canadian and US boaters have a choice for > quick-easy-free MMSI number assignment (by Industry Canada or BoatUS) or a > slower, not-free gov't issued MMSI number (which ends in a zero). > > Non-gov't issued MMSI numbers are only for use in Canadian or US waters. > > What would be the ramifications if I issued a DSC distress call from a > radio with a BoatUS-supplied MMSI in, e.g., Bahamian waters? > > Would it go unnoticed? Would I be fined? Sorry to sound like a scofflaw, > just trying to understand how the system works. > > Bob M > Ox 33-1 > Jax, FL > > _______________________________________________ > > Email address: > > To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go to the > bottom of page at: > > > >
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