S Thomas via CnC-List wrote:
To any lister with AutoCAD experience:
The plate holding the cable idler sheaves that bolts to the bottom of the Edson steering pedestal on my recent C&C36 purchase has almost completely disintegrated. I downloaded a .dwg drawing of the assembly from the Edson web page and installed a version of Autodesk Trueview (2014) that is compatible with XP, but I cannot get it to print (plot) anything other than an empty rectangle. I have been poking at it quite a bit and got exactly nowhere. I have no experience with AutoCAD, and find the user interface tools less than intuitive. About like my first experience with vi in Unix, only less productive. Any fiddling with layer colours, and the layout tab disappears completely. Is there a simple way to print from either the model or the layout tabs in the file as downloaded? All I have been able to get in the print preview is a line rectangle the outlines the page, and sure enough, that is all that prints. The help files have not been helpful in printing, but at least I can pan, zoom, and take measurements between points. Edson lists a price for the entire assembly, but the sheaves appear to be ok, and the Edson price (US$ 360) is pretty high for what I think that I actually need. I would rather just make a mounting plate if I can't purchase one for a reasonable price.
Steve Thomas
Merritt Island, FL


Could you send me a copy of the file that you're trying to print. I have access to several versions of AutoCad and one of them might be able to print the file. For what it's worth my son works at programming in a machine shop and their production programs are all written in MasterCam.

Caprice 1


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