
I don’t think the piano hinges on your anchor locker are original C&C.   I have 
6” SS strap hinges which are bolted through the cover and the deck.  I replaced 
mine old broken hinges with new ones, overfilling the old holes with thickened 
epoxy and re-drilling as typically suggested.  No problems with leaks.  Here’s 
a link to the hinge:

Paul E.
1981 C&C 38 Landfall 
S/V Johanna Rose
Carrabelle, FL

> On Dec 22, 2015, at 3:16 PM, wrote:
> Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 10:53:04 -0800
> From: Patrick Davin < <>>
> To: " <>" 
> < <>>
> Subject: Stus-List Anchor locker lid attachment
> Message-ID:
>       < 
> <>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Next up on my winter project list: reinforcing the anchor locker lid
> attachment.
> C&C's are made really well for the most part, but I had a "what were they
> thinking???" moment this weekend. I was investigating the anchor locker lid
> hinge (which is screwed into a recessed area of the deck) because several
> screws have pulled out and there are rust stains. The surprise was it looks
> like the 15-20 screws for the hinge went into wood coring. Screws in wood
> core, in the wettest part of the boat! (the foredeck takes the most waves,
> and when at dock it's always humid from rain)
> Pictures:
> <>
> Has anyone else redone their anchor locker hinge? Can you confirm that it's
> cored, or am I on the crazy pills?
> The reason I suspected core in the first place is that the lid hinge is
> about 1" outside of the deck area where all fiberglass was used along the
> toe rail. Tap testing / sounding doesn't reveal any significant
> differences, so I think the issue is very contained, surprisingly. It seems
> like if they had made the anchor locker an inch or so wider, they wouldn't
> have had to screw in to coring - but maybe the fiberglass layer isn't thick
> enough to fit the screws. Anyway, I'm thinking ream out some core from each
> hole, dry it out for 3-7 days (which may not be doable till the summer),
> fill with thickened epoxy and redrill.
> -Patrick
> 1984 C&C Landfall 38
> Seattle, WA


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