Next up on my winter project list: reinforcing the anchor locker lid attachment.
C&C's are made really well for the most part, but I had a "what were they thinking???" moment this weekend. I was investigating the anchor locker lid hinge (which is screwed into a recessed area of the deck) because several screws have pulled out and there are rust stains. The surprise was it looks like the 15-20 screws for the hinge went into wood coring. Screws in wood core, in the wettest part of the boat! (the foredeck takes the most waves, and when at dock it's always humid from rain) Pictures: Has anyone else redone their anchor locker hinge? Can you confirm that it's cored, or am I on the crazy pills? The reason I suspected core in the first place is that the lid hinge is about 1" outside of the deck area where all fiberglass was used along the toe rail. Tap testing / sounding doesn't reveal any significant differences, so I think the issue is very contained, surprisingly. It seems like if they had made the anchor locker an inch or so wider, they wouldn't have had to screw in to coring - but maybe the fiberglass layer isn't thick enough to fit the screws. Anyway, I'm thinking ream out some core from each hole, dry it out for 3-7 days (which may not be doable till the summer), fill with thickened epoxy and redrill. -Patrick 1984 C&C Landfall 38 Seattle, WA
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