Josh: Yes - thinking about alternating current if I go with a holding plate
refrigeration system (for food and drink) that could stay cold for an
extended period without power.  My fault on the first email, I looked back
on it and realized that the "AC" reference was really misleading.

For the climate here, I have zero interest in air conditioning for the

Mooring balls aren't really an option in my area, and I don't have any
immediate plans to add solar, so it'll be shore power for a while at least,
with all the disadvantages that go along with that.  Thanks for the
suggestion though.  A DC fridge would give me a lot more flexibility if
circumstances change sometime down the line.

Doug: Thanks for all the details.  If you have a chance to take a photo of
the installation next time you're on the boat I'd be interested, but don't
go out of your way.

Also just realized that I called Jake "James" in my last email.  Sorry
about that.  Great way to make a first impression on my part...


Spanish Dancer
C&C 35 mk III
San Francisco

On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 8:22 PM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List <> wrote:

> Sam,
> After reading other's posts it appears to me that there may have been some
> confusion.  The "AC system" to which you referred is an alternating current
> system for refrigerating food not an Air Conditioning system, correct?
> The air cooling you referred to was instead of a keel cooler or water
> cooled refrigeration (again for food), correct?
> I apologize for creating some confusion too since I simply referred to my
> system as an aldor-barbour.  I originally failed to follow your link but
> now realize that you had linked to an aldor-barbour system.  So more
> accurately stated mine is a two piece system.  I do not know anything about
> the install process for mine but did talk to a rep from nova-cool who
> described being able to easily connect/disconnect the fittings without
> losing the refrigerant.  That rep also stated that typically a 100w solar
> panel produced enough power to keep the fridge going 24/7.  This is
> particularly nice if you're ever considering keeping the boat on a mooring
> ball.  The only reason I stay on shore power is to keep the fridge cold.
> So getting solar is a high priority for me.  Cutting the cord can save
> zincs, minimize risk of fire and risk of shock.
> Josh Muckley
> S/V Sea Hawk
> 1989 C&C 37+
> Solomons, MD
> On Dec 14, 2015 9:38 PM, "Sam Wheeler via CnC-List" <>
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm new here.  I recently purchased the 1984 C&C 35 mk III Spanish
>> Dancer.  My goal was to find a boat that would be comfortable enough to
>> live on and capable enough to be fun to sail in San Francisco Bay - I'm
>> extremely excited about this one.  I've been sailing since I was a kid but
>> this is my first (non-dinghy) boat of my own, so I expect I'll be boring
>> you all with a lot of stupid questions over the next few months.
>> First up: Refrigeration.  My boat doesn't have it.  Has anyone added
>> refrigeration to a 35-3?  How's the stock insulation in the ice chest?  Any
>> suggestions on what works or doesn't?
>> Since I think it will be relatively rare for me to spend more than a
>> night away from the slip and shore power, one thought I had was going with
>> a holding plate system to run off shore power - maybe even an AC system.
>> That would keep the load off my batteries, I wouldn't have to listen to the
>> compressor running as often, and it should store enough cooling in the
>> plate to last for daysails and short trips away from the dock.
>> On the other hand, I'm thinking about the number of projects I have lined
>> up, and the simplicity and relative low cost of a CoolMatic single unit kit
>> starts to look pretty appealing.  Has anyone used that or something
>> similar?  I'm a little concerned about the effect on efficiency of putting
>> the compressor (which presumably runs warm) directly next to the box with
>> what looks like minimal insulation between it and the evaporator.
>> Here's the CooMatic kit I'm looking at:
>> Focusing on air cooling at the moment.  I'd rather listen to compressor
>> noise and draw a little more shore power than put a new thru-hull in.
>> Thanks in advance!  I've been lurking for a week or so and this seems
>> like a great community.
>> Sam
>> Spanish Dancer
>> C&C 35 mk III
>> San Francisco
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