I recommend a small amount of thickened epoxy under a piece of G10. If you use a low viscosity (read un-filled) epoxy it may not be reliable under the keel bolt clamping force.
If I was performing the same repair on Calypso I would clean / roughen the area, butter in some thickened epoxy, place a layer of glass cloth or mat (to prevent squeezing out all the epoxy) and top it with the shaped G10. I would butter the bottom of the G10 with thickened epoxy. Add a little weight or clamping pressure to compress the lamination to the desired height checking to be sure it is close to parallel with the bottom of the nut. If there is a concern of epoxy bonding to the keel bolt or nut there are several mold release products and tapes available. Peel ply used in vacuum bagging can be very useful. Let me know if you go this route and need a small piece. Martin DeYoung Calypso 1971 C&C 43 Seattle [Description: Description: cid:D1BF9853-22F7-47FB-86F2-4115CE0BAF2F] From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On Behalf Of Ahmet via CnC-List Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 10:36 AM To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com Cc: Ahmet Subject: Stus-List Low viscosity Epoxy was Re: Subject: Re: Keel repair Not not hijack this tread, I changed the subject. Since we seem to have epoxy experts here. I am trying to take out some slight unevenness from the bottom of my bilge so that my keel bolt washers have an even contact. Can I use some low viscosity epoxy, just pour it into the bilge, probably dam of the area around the keel bolt with some tape, and let gravity do the leveling. We are talking maybe 1/4 in thickness at the highest point. I was originally thinking of using Marine-Tex but there are some areas which are a bit awkward to get to. The issue is that At 200 lbs-ft the clamping force is about 12,000 lbs. So I need something that will not crumble under the pressure. So the problem is to be low viscosity yet high compression strength. Thank you Ahmet C&C 25 Boston, MA
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