I have the gel batteries installed under the settee in the main cabin on my 
boat and this is an original design. This, of course, does not mean that they 
are ABYC compliant.


From: Robert Boyer via CnC-List 
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 3:07 PM
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com 
Cc: Robert Boyer 
Subject: Re: Stus-List Changing weight distribution in Landfall 38

I think ABYC is a little to conservative on this issue if that is their stance. 
 "AGM's are advantageous anyplace where you need a reliable totally sealed 
battery for safety or environmental reasons - wheelchairs, medical standby 
power, inside RV's,                  computer room UPS systems, or in enclosed 
spaces in boats."


Bob Boyer 
S/V Rainy Days / Annapolis MD
1983 C&C Landfall 38 - Hull #230
email: dainyr...@icloud.com 
blog: dainyrays.blogspot.com

"There is nothing--absolutely nothing--half so much worth doing as simply 
messing about in boats."  --Kenneth Grahame

On Nov 19, 2015, at 1:19 PM, ed vanderkruk via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 

  Technically vapors are an issue. All battery types - wet/sealed/gel/AGM - are 
subject to ABYC venting guidelines. There are some solutions - venting the 
battery enclosure or having vented caps for wet cell directed overboard 


  On Nov 19, 2015 12:50 PM, "Robert Boyer via CnC-List" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 

    I DO use AGMs--so, vapors are not an issue.  I have some space just forward 
of the mast under the settee but close to the boat's centerline that might work 
for battery storage--I have to check out the dimensions but this would remove 
weight aft and add it close to the center of gravity.


    Bob Boyer 
    S/V Rainy Days / Annapolis MD
    1983 C&C Landfall 38 - Hull #230
    email: dainyr...@icloud.com 
    blog: dainyrays.blogspot.com

    "There is nothing--absolutely nothing--half so much worth doing as simply 
messing about in boats."  --Kenneth Grahame

    On Nov 19, 2015, at 11:54 AM, Marek Dziedzic via CnC-List 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:


      as you said, the current from the house batteries should never be high, 
so the wires should not be an issue. However, if you calculate your load at 30 
A and select appropriate gauge of the wire (for distance), make sure that you 
install an appropriate fuse (probably not larger than 50 A) (I would do it 
right on the terminal, but ABYC says, within 6 or 7 in from the terminal) to 
protect that wire. Such fuse would probably allow for one quick start of the 
motor (it would not allow for cranking a cranky motor). But if you want to be 
able to use your house batteries for cranking, you have to allow for at least 
80 – 100 A in that cable (i.e. appropriate gauge). Keep in mind that if you 
install bigger cable, your voltage loss would be less, so you would have more 
energy available to you lights and instruments (instead of heating the cabin).

      One other thought. I am not sure if putting batteries under the V-berth 
is the best idea. As much as you could, you should avoid placing heavy objects 
far away from the centre of gravity. In heavy weather the heavy bow would be 
your enemy, not a friend.

      And finally, at least theoretically, you should not install the normal 
lead-acid batteries in the cabin (where they are not vented directly outside). 
If you want to install batteries below, you should use the gel or AGM 
batteries. This, in turn, leads to a more complex charging system (especially, 
if you are going to use AGMs).

      just a few ideas to consider

      1994 C270, “Legato”
      Ottawa, ON

      From: Robert Boyer via CnC-List 
      Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2015 11:24 AM
      To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com 
      Cc: Robert Boyer 
      Subject: Stus-List Changing weight distribution in Landfall 38

      I am equipping my boat for 8 months per year of cruising in the Bahamas.  
I have added a 19-gallon auxiliary diesel tank where my holding tank was 
located (under the navigation seat) which adds weight aft.  I currently have 4 
group 27 batteries which will be eventually upgraded to Group 31's--these also 
are located aft.

      I have been considering moving 2 or 3 batteries from the aft cockpit 
locker to some dead space under the v-berth.  This would take some weight from 
the aft and add it forward.  (My boat currently sits about 2" high at the bow 
and maybe 1 inch low at the stern with no one aboard but full fuel tanks.)

      I could configure the batteries such that the new forward bank could be 
the house bank and the starting bank (which I could probably reduce to 1 or 2 
batteries) could remain aft.  My problem is sizing the cables that would run 
from the forward batteries to the aft controls.  As I see it, these cables 
would never carry more than 30 amps (maximum charging from my solar panels) 
unless I needed them for starting (in the event of a dead starting battery).

      Does anyone have any comments or suggestions on this matter?


      Bob Boyer 
      S/V Rainy Days / Annapolis MD
      1983 C&C Landfall 38 - Hull #230
      email: dainyr...@icloud.com 
      blog: dainyrays.blogspot.com

      "There is nothing--absolutely nothing--half so much worth doing as simply 
messing about in boats."  --Kenneth Grahame


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