
The existing battery location in the engine compartment can hold 2 
batteries--one can be the starting bank and the other part of the house bank.  
Then if I make 2 or 3 batteries located somewhere forward, they could be 
dedicated to the house bank (and I could somehow isolate them from starting 
loads) through switching.


Bob Boyer
S/V Rainy Days / Annapolis MD
1983 C&C Landfall 38 - Hull #230

"There is nothing--absolutely nothing--half so much worth doing as simply 
messing about in boats."  --Kenneth Grahame

> On Nov 19, 2015, at 11:59 AM, Frederick G Street via CnC-List 
> <> wrote:
> Bob — I would consider sizing the wiring aft from the forward batteries to 
> allow at least 100 amps, with a maximum 10% voltage drop.  This would require 
> at least 4AWG cabling from under the v-berth to the electrical panel aft; 
> better would be 2AWG, which would allow you to pull 30 amps with a 3% voltage 
> drop.  Don’t forget that you’ll need a battery switch located very close to 
> the bank under the v-berth; and I would also put a 100-amp breaker (a 
> 285-Series surface mount would do the trick: 
>  after the battery switch to protect the long wiring running aft.
> The biggest issue with doing this is that trying to start your engine by 
> switching over to the forward bank is most likely not going to work, as your 
> starter wants more current than your wiring would be sized for.  Trying to 
> upsize the wiring to accommodate this would be VERY expensive, and not ideal 
> in any case.  If you move two batteries forward and keep two aft, basically 
> splitting your house bank into two banks, you’d have a better chance using 
> the aft bank as an emergency engine start source; but your wiring for 
> charging and selection is going to be more complicated.
> Does this help at all, or just set you up for more questions?   :^)
> — Fred
> Fred Street -- Minneapolis
> S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- on the hard in Bayfield, WI   :^(
>> On Nov 19, 2015, at 10:24 AM, Robert Boyer via CnC-List 
>> <> wrote:
>> I am equipping my boat for 8 months per year of cruising in the Bahamas.  I 
>> have added a 19-gallon auxiliary diesel tank where my holding tank was 
>> located (under the navigation seat) which adds weight aft.  I currently have 
>> 4 group 27 batteries which will be eventually upgraded to Group 31's--these 
>> also are located aft.
>> I have been considering moving 2 or 3 batteries from the aft cockpit locker 
>> to some dead space under the v-berth.  This would take some weight from the 
>> aft and add it forward.  (My boat currently sits about 2" high at the bow 
>> and maybe 1 inch low at the stern with no one aboard but full fuel tanks.)
>> I could configure the batteries such that the new forward bank could be the 
>> house bank and the starting bank (which I could probably reduce to 1 or 2 
>> batteries) could remain aft.  My problem is sizing the cables that would run 
>> from the forward batteries to the aft controls.  As I see it, these cables 
>> would never carry more than 30 amps (maximum charging from my solar panels) 
>> unless I needed them for starting (in the event of a dead starting battery).
>> Does anyone have any comments or suggestions on this matter?
>> Bob
>> Bob Boyer
>> S/V Rainy Days / Annapolis MD
>> 1983 C&C Landfall 38 - Hull #230
>> email: 
>> blog:
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