My $.02,

This sailing stuff is just a hobby. It's up to the owner to detect and deal
with whatever design or maintenance shortcomings manifest themselves. If
something seems awry, it's up to the owner to decide whether to DIY or hire
out the fix. If it's the latter, then ask around. DIY = fewer problems
(often) and more eventual knowledge (always).

--Bob M
Ox 33-1
Jax, FL

On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 2:00 PM, Danny Haughey via CnC-List <> wrote:

> Here is a good one,
> So, the yard where my new to me boat was stored for it's entire life, did
> all, or supervised all the work on this boat.  The PO was actually an owner
> of the yard!  I had to listen to the yard manager/partner talk about how
> great his reputation was and how good his work is and lecture me on my
> electrical tester and even said that my electrical crimper (yes the one
> Wally recommended) was not correct for the task.  Now as get further and
> further into the boat, I'm finding wire connections with nothing but tape,
> some residential barrel connectors with not even tape over them, taped
> joins in the bilge, hoses disconnected and left plugged off laying in the
> bilge, wires disconnected with just tape on the end...  and this is just
> the superficial investigation...
> All the talk in the world won't make shoddy work better...  I really have
> a hard time trusting anyone to work on my stuff either.
> On the other hand, when I was still out in the field doing plumbing, I
> always found I'd rather pull things back just a bit further and do a better
> job than to try and patch things up and get out of there.  I really haven't
> met too many people with that attitude.  Of course I never owned the
> company, I was always on the payroll and I just did my best to avoid a call
> back.  So, I guess it really as much self preservation as doing right by a
> customer.  That and knowing that doing it right is always less of an ass
> ache than trying to hack it...  IMHO  ...I'd let me work on my house!!  LOL
> Danny

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