DON'T use gin. It took about three years to get the smell out of the water 
system when I did that. When I went to the store, cheap Vodka was not cheap, so 
I got some cheap(er) gin. Big mistake. It did not freeze, but....

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: jhnelson via CnC-List 
  Cc: jhnelson 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 7:50 AM
  Subject: Re: Stus-List Vodka for Hot water tank

  Yes you won't be able to make martini's

  Sent from my Samsung device

  -------- Original message --------
  From: John Russo via CnC-List <> 
  Date: 2015-10-26 21:20 (GMT-04:00) 
  Cc: John Russo <> 
  Subject: Stus-List Vodka for Hot water tank 

  Any downside to putting some vodka in the hot water tank after draining as an 
alternative to antifreeze which forever smells when using hot water. The drain 
in not quite positioned at the bottom of the tank so there is always some 
residual water left in the tank and although I leave the drain valve open for 
expansion I am concerned that any freezing could damage the tank connections. 
Any advice would be appreciated.


  Arpeggio C&C 32

  Norwalk, CT



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