Problems that you can experience with any type of antifreeze are dilution
and stratification.

Dilution happens as a result of not getting all the water out of the system

Stratification happens as a result of numerous freeze/thaw cycles.

Both of these conditions will allow freezing in the pipes and components.
Even the proper concentration antifreeze will allow slush to form in the
solution long before it reaches the lowest protection temperature.

I prefer blowing or sucking the system dry instead of relying on
antifreeze.  I'm not opposed to adding antifreeze as extra insurance.

As for using alcohol, if I used anything I'd use grain alcohol
(Everclear).  At lease then its almost pure alcohol and less likely to
stratify or slush.

I put a three way valve in my system which allows me to redirect the water
supply from the cold water/drain to the hot water.  In the spring I can
hook up my fill hose from the dock.  Then set the 3-way valve to supply the
hot water side.  Then open the water heater drain (and vent) to the bilge.
I can let that eat for hours without any interaction and it flushes
everything (tank, pressure pump, hoses, water heater)

Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk
1989 C&C 37+
Solomons, MD
On Oct 26, 2015 8:21 PM, "John Russo via CnC-List" <>

> Any downside to putting some vodka in the hot water tank after draining as
> an alternative to antifreeze which forever smells when using hot water. The
> drain in not quite positioned at the bottom of the tank so there is always
> some residual water left in the tank and although I leave the drain valve
> open for expansion I am concerned that any freezing could damage the tank
> connections. Any advice would be appreciated.
> John
> Arpeggio C&C 32
> Norwalk, CT
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