FWIW mine is in the pod. Very happy with it there.

On Saturday, October 17, 2015, Dave Syer via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>

> winter project 32a:  upgrade electronics  ('85 c&c33ii)
> Am removing the vintage B&G hunter depth and speed instruments, replacing
> with raymarine p70, i70.  both are multifunction displays, and one - the
> p70, is the control head for the autopilot.   2015 was my first sailing
> season with an autopilot and I used it a lot - great investment.
> I was unsure where I wanted to mount the control head so I did so
> temporarily on the coaming in the beckson access hatch, adjacent to the
> helm, at knee height more or less.  My season with the unit showed me that
> I could use the at like two locations - at the helm, (enclosure/pod
> on pedestal) OR beside the companionway where it can be operated from under
> the dodger, when motoring. Leaning toward the former, but still not clear
> in my mind....
> Thoughts, suggestions, alternatives?   Thanks.
> Dave

301 541 8551

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