
The nut is 'recessed' in a slot so that it doesn't turn when you torque the bolt.....cutting the 'nut' is not an option.....can't get a wrench or a pair of vice-grips on it either. I have to concentrate on the other end....the head of the bolt is accessible.

Rob Abbott
C&C 32 - 84
Halifax, N.S.

On 2015-10-05 10:28 PM, Graham Collins via CnC-List wrote:
Actually probably easier to cut the nut off if it is accessible, you just need to get one side of it. I'd rough cut with an angle grinder. Off the boat so sparks don't trash anything...
Graham Collins
Secret Plans
C&C 35-III #11
On 2015-10-05 10:19 PM, robert via CnC-List wrote:

The head of the bolt is too close to the SS tube to get a grip on it with a pair of vice-grips.....and the nut is 'recessed' so it doesn't turn when you tighten or loosen the bolt.....can't get vice-grip or a wrench on it .

Maybe try to cut the bolt head off is the viable option......I assume SS will be tough cut?

If I try to cut it, what would be the tool of choice?

Rob Abbott
C&c 32 - 84
Halifax, N.S.

On 2015-10-05 9:33 PM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List wrote:

I've had some shocking success with vise-grips. Maybe try one on each side? Maybe you'll get lucky and the bolt will just break.

Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk
1989 C&C 37+
Solomons, MD

On Oct 5, 2015 8:24 PM, "robert via CnC-List" < <>> wrote:

    I have a 'pebble in my shoe' kind of problem.....a small SS nut
    and bolt on my bimini is I need to remove it ,
    no....but it should be able to come apart should it need to.

    I have applied PB Blaster, ATF & acetone, Liquid
    Wench.....obviously, a product is not the answer.   I tried
    today (thanks to Mike Hoyt) the 'tool' that can grip a 'stripped
    head'.....all I was doing was stripping it further and giving my
    right hand a palm blister.

    I might be able to get a hack saw blade between the head of the
    bolt and the SS tubing but it is going to be a challenge.

    The bolt takes a 9 mm wrench, however, it is recessed so that
    getting a wrench on it with any force doesn't work either.  I
    can't turn the bolt and I can't turn the nut. I could simply
    ignore the problem for now but someday I have to get this opened
    so I might as well not ignore the problem now.

    Any and all suggestions are greatly welcomed.

    Rob Abbott
    C&C 32 - 84
    Halifax, N.S.


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