Some people retire from sailing, or buy a trawler prematurely, because
they eschewed equipping their boat with whatever was needed to make it
less physically demanding to sail. Luddites be damned! There are plenty
of sailors who will tell you that a GPS and RADAR are wastes of money, too.
Bill Bina
On 9/27/2015 2:56 PM, John Pennie via CnC-List wrote:
I sailed/lived aboard a 51 for many years. Everyone thought we were
crazy when we removed the bow thruster (it didn’t work anyway). I can
say I never missed it. They do add some drag - probably not as much
as you would expect. I would think a pod hanging down would be worse.
Nevertheless,I just don’t see the need and I sail in the same area as
you. It sounds strange, but my experience has been the tighter the
slip the easier it is to get into. There just isn’t as much room to
screw up! Yes, there has been the rare occasion where it would have
been helpful coming in. Leaving a dock it serves no purpose as god
invented spring lines. To me, the complexity of the systems, to say
nothing of the cost, just isn’t justified. I
My opinion would be just say no…
Of course, it’s your money and you should spend it however you damn
well want to.
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