Thanks guys, Paul nailed it, though I wasn't entirely clear. I am replacing the battery switch (below which, in a prime kick-off location, is mounted a single toggle breaker, protecting the 12vdc house panel.) I am replacing the entire panel with a more complete solution.
In case you are curious: This happens to come with a 100a breaker, (non-kick able) hence the question. It also isolates the start and house batteries, but allows them to be paralleled in case of emergency, plus includes 24/7 breakers for float operated bilge pumps, electronics memory, etc... Tidy! Will wire the existing group 31 batteries in parallel to become a dedicated 240AH house bank, add a dedicated group 24 start battery, a vsr, a victron bmv700 monitor, and revise the stock wiring to incorporate a proper ground bus. Major improvement in functionality I think, with the only real added weight being the start battery. Already have a xantrex charger. Thanks for the responses. Dave Sent from my iPad _______________________________________________ Email address: To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go to the bottom of page at: