I don’t see any stbd lifeline or stanchions in the ebay photos.  Wonder how 
much was fixed?

From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On Behalf Of Harry 
Hallgring via CnC-List
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 4:51 PM
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Cc: Harry Hallgring
Subject: Re: Stus-List Stus List - 1983 38 Landfall on Ebay

Seems cheap?

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 20, 2015, at 15:20, Danny Haughey via CnC-List 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com<mailto:cnc-list@cnc-list.com>> wrote:
I just saw this.  the price is rediculous.


but as I was researching the boat i found this.

it has to be the same boat.  I think someone bought the salvaged boat, fixed it 
up and is flipping it.

not that that is necessarily a bad thing...  it just needs a really good 

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