I bought a fiberglass tank to replace a steel tank that was rusting. Two years 
later, the fiberglass tank was recalled. The company went out of business, and 
I was out the cost of the tank. I ended up buying an aluminum tank from Amazon. 
You might want to check to see whether your fiberglass tank was one that was 

Alan Bergen 

35 Mk III Thirsty 

Rose City YC 

Portland, OR 


Mine is propane and can be refilled for most anywhere. If your tank is more 
than about 12 years old, it may not be able to be refilled without being 
tested. That’s not worth the money. Also, the tank, if it is really old, may 
not have an overfill preventer in which case it cannot be refilled. 

My tank had to be replaced when I bought the boat in 2010. I got a fiberglass 
tank which is great. No corrosion and you can see the level in the tank if you 
look carefully. 



Ron Ricci 

S/V Patriot 

C&C 37+ 

Bristol, RI 


From: Edd Schillay [mailto:e...@schillay.com] 
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 8:09 AM 
To: cnc-list Cnc-List 
Subject: Stus-List LPG tank -- 37+ 


I think this was covered in the past, but I'm getting older and I forgot the 

In my 37+, I have a tank labelled LPG for my stove. I need to get it refilled. 

Is this propane? The same propane used for bbq grills? Or is LPG something a 
little different? 

All the best, 



Edd M. Schillay 

Starship Enterprise 


C&C 37+ | City Island, NY 



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