Yep, propane.  Liquefied Propane Gas to be exact.  A grill tank should cost
about $10-12 to get filled.  From empty.  Try to find a place that will
only charge you for the amount you buy by weight.  Some places just charge
a flat fee regardless of how much was left in your tank before filling.  My
local ACE Hardware has good prices and only charges for what it took to
fill me up.  I think the standard grill tanks are 20# and the little green
ones for your lanters are 1#.  A lot of the aluminum marine grade tanks are
about half that.

Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk
1989 C&C 37+
Solomons, MD
On Aug 20, 2015 8:09 AM, "Edd Schillay via CnC-List" <>

> Listers,
> I think this was covered in the past, but I'm getting older and I forgot
> the answer.
> In my 37+, I have a tank labelled LPG for my stove. I need to get it
> refilled.
> Is this propane? The same propane used for bbq grills? Or is LPG something
> a little different?
> All the best,
> Edd
> -------------------------------
> Edd M. Schillay
> Starship Enterprise
> NCC-1701-B
> C&C 37+ | City Island, NY
> -------------------------------
> 914.332.4400  | Office
> 914.774.9767  | Mobile
> -------------------------------
> Sent via iPhone 6
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