I’m wondering what size and length other owners use for sheets/guys for
their spinnakers.   The FO left me a collection of lines and four spinnakers
( ½, ¾, 1-½ oz. symmetrical & cruising).   


It doesn’t appear that I have anything for my cruising spinnaker and will
need both sheets and a tack line.  Depending upon where I look, it seems
that I should have a sheet length between 80’ – 100’.  All I have is a 70’
½” line.  Also, does anyone use parrel beads or an ATN tacker?   


For my symmetrical spinnakers, I have 2 guys 57’ x ½” which appear to be OK.
The sheets I have are 80’ x ¼”, 63’ x ½” and 50’ x 9/16”.   Except for the
¼” line, they all seem short.  Mauri Pro sells sheets that are 92’ long.




Ron Ricci

S/V Patriot

C&C 37+

Bristol, RI

 <mailto:ron.ri...@1968.usna.com> ron.ri...@1968.usna.com




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