Last year I had noticed a small crack in my rear pulpit tubing.
This spring before launch I hired a mobile welder to come out to the
boat repair the area - he had a tough time with the wind swirling and
had to repeatedly grind down the dirty weld to do it over.
The final repair was adequate (pretty rough - but sealed the crack and
seemed solid). Unfortunately a few weeks later I discovered a million
little rust stains in the gel coat. We tried to scrub them out with
Comet - but mostly just brightened up the gel coat. CLR didn't seem to
do much - maybe a longer soak?
Any suggestions on cleaning? I'm wondering about doing a bit of a white
wash with stain to see if that will clean them.
Now the area he repaired is showing some signs of rust - obviously he
welded with steel and that is rusting. I had another weld that gave way
(a lower bracket on the rear pulpit) - and I'd rather avoid repeating
the same issue. Not sure how close to fiberglass they can safely weld -
removing the whole rear pulpit wouldn't be a fun process, but likely
smart to get it done properly.
Any specific questions I should be asking of a stainless welder?
Recommendations in Halifax area?
I'm also wanting to build a small arch for a solar panel - maybe
integrated right into the rear pulpit
CS 30 - Prosecco
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