I'm with Edd, I'd like the polished with recessed letters.  I only posted
the pictures of the originals to give perspective and an idea of what it
looked like from the factory.  Ken Heaton is the man for more pictures and
specs.  Those polished pictures are from his boat.  I envision this "plate"
completely covering the original area plus some margin.  I would mount it
with 2 studs welded to the back that could be bedded like any other deck
hardware right through deck.  Of course we would have to figure out how to
remove the original.  Or maybe just grind it down flush so the plate would
sit on top.

Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk
1989 C&C 37+
Solomons, MD
 On Jun 9, 2015 12:08 PM, "david via CnC-List" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>

>  I am a machinist and I have access to CNC machines, 3D solid modeling
> software and CAD/CAM software. I would be interested in looking at this
> project and I think either of the styles shown in the pictures would be
> do-able.
> I personally like what may be the original version with the raised
> letters. It appears those letters were "glued" on  but now we can 3D model
> and machine this as one piece. Depending on what material they are made
> from it may not be cheap but they would certainly be durable. The other
> style shown while not photographed straight on could also be made easily
> but it is not clear from the photos how deep the letters go, i.e. all the
> way through like a water jet would produce. From the pictures the raised
> version looks recessed into the fiberglass like an aluminum window frame.
> The "flush" version appears to be attached with screws and proud of the
> boat surface.
> To my eye the raised version looks to be aluminum and the flush version is
> stainless or perhaps just polished.
> Are these design plans available or would someone be able to provide a
> sample.
> Regards,
> David Donnelly
> C&C 26 Mistress
> On June 8, 2015 at 9:25 PM DAVID R MOCNY via CnC-List <
> cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
>   Edd. I got your voicemail this morning
> I have been into a backyard rebuild and have not been on line or on boat
> Over seven hundred unread knowledge nuggets from crew in the inbox
> There is a machine shop at my wife's work
> A few of the guys have been working on plates for us off and on for about
> a year now
> We still have not seen a finished or a working product (they were fitting
> it inbetween weekly work and now after a drop in bookings those that worked
> on the design, took early retirement).
> We have been told good the design is done they just need to be cut.
> Joanne is motivated to get these plates done and is reaching out to those
> retirees to see if the seniors that took over their areas will cut the
> plates.
> At this point, we don't have a solid answer for you but Joanne is
> optimistic. We will let you know by the end of the month if we are able to
> pull this together.
> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad <https://yho.com/footer0>
> At Jun 8, 2015, 9:51:32 PM, Rick Rohwer via 
> CnC-List<cnc-list@cnc-list.com>wrote:
> I'll work on it
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 8, 2015, at 6:49 PM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List <
> cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
>  I've been attempting to contact various manufacturers with these
> pictures. The desired outcome is shown in two of the pictures. The pics
> came from Ken Heaton but the plaques were there from the PO so he doesn't
> know who/how they were made. I think once we find a manufacturer there is a
> pretty good chance that at least 10 people would be interested in a pair.
> Y'all are welcome to forward or copy these to try to find a manufacturer.
> https://drive.google.com/folder/d/0B8pEh5lnvP1yUklxR0VXQUd0WjA/edit
> Good Luck,
> Josh Muckley
> S/V Sea Hawk
> 1989 C&C 37+
> Solomons, MD
> On Jun 6, 2015 10:23 PM, "Edd Schillay via CnC-List" <
> cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
>  Listers,
> I think this was covered a couple of years ago, but can't find it.
> I'm looking to replace the broken plates that are on the sides of the
> cabin. They are long, rectangular, with curved corners and they had a
> raised "C&C 37+" on it.
> I seem to remember someone getting a steel version somewhere.
> If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.
> All the best,
> Edd
> -------------------------------
> Edd M. Schillay
> Starship Enterprise
> NCC-1701-B
> C&C 37+ | City Island, NY
> www.StarshipSailing.com
> -------------------------------
> 914.332.4400 | Office
> 914.774.9767 | Mobile
> -------------------------------
> Sent via iPhone 6
> iPhone. iTypos. iApologize
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