I also have used a mast mate for the last 5 years, and go up to adjust or fix 
things aloft several times a year, preferably when Cat’s Paw is afloat, not on 
jack stands. But for safety, I wear a climbing harness attached to a spinnaker 
halyard which someone on deck keeps on a winch to take up slack.  All the 
lifting is done by me climbing the ladder, but if I should slip, there is a 
safety.  Also, while at the top, the halyard is tied off so I can rest in the 
climbing harness, making it easier (and safer) to work.  Never had any problems 
with this arrangement.

Eric Frank
Cat's Paw
C&C 35 Mk II

> Subject: Re: Stus-List C&C30-1 climb to top of mast?
> I have what is called the mast mate, it's a ladder made of webbing that you 
> pull up the mast track , I climb my mast twice a year to install and remove 
> wind instruments before stepping and dropping the stick . You can usually 
> find an ad for the mast mate I'm the back of most sailing magazines , 
> Sent from Joe Bognar


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