You won't have a problem. Remember how much the keel weighs. 4000#? I've seen guys bosun chair up the mast of a J24. Stop over thinking it.
Chuck Resolute 1990 C&C 34R Broad Creek, Magothy River, Md ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jay via CnC-List Kirkpatrick" <> To: Cc: "Jay Kirkpatrick" <> Sent: Saturday, June 6, 2015 8:57:22 PM Subject: Stus-List C&C30-1 climb to top of mast? I'd like to replace my windex with a new one, but don't want to drop the mast to do it. On larger boats we send someone up the mast to retrieve halyards etc, but has anyone done this on a 30-1? I wonder if 200lbs at the top to install a new windex is too much of a risk of damage or injury. Has anyone lived to tell the story? Cheers, Jay _______________________________________________ Email address: To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go to the bottom of page at:
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