BTW that grey pipe is 1/2" polybutylene and has a slightly smaller O.D. than PEX (polyethylene). You might get lucky using fittings designed for PEX but I have had some leak. A Google search will provide associated problems, law suits, and solutions.
Josh On May 27, 2015 7:13 PM, "Tom Buscaglia via CnC-List" <> wrote: > New issue for me, but I hope others have run into this. Alera has a > pressurize potable water system. It uses grey colored hoses and fittings > throughout. All appear to be original except for those around the three > way valve I replaced a few years ago. One (or possible more) of the "T" > fittings where the hot and cold water runs split behind the sink to go to > the sink and shower in the head have small leaks. Here's a picture - > > > The leaks are not enough to be a huge problem in terms of volume. But, > they leak out from behind the bulkhead into the floor of the head > scandalizing the Admiral and making gett8ng them fixed a high priority. > Also, I suspect that I may have, or will have, similar issues at other > junctures that I have not discovered yet. According to my brother, who has > a CS40 at Niagara on the Lake with a similar set up, this grey stuff was > all the rage, including in residential applications, until they learned > that it started to deteriorate after 20 years or so, developing hair line > cracks and leaks. The company is now out of business, of course. > > These are in a difficult location and appear to have been done originally > without any silicon tape sealant. I can probably get a wrench on them but > am worried that if I can to either tighten them or loosen them to put on > the tape sealant before tightening em back up until they stop leaking, > they'll break. Thus, turning a small problem into a big one. Now to my > actual question... > > What do you think of using a sealant on these after a thorough cleaning > and drying process? > > Has anyone done this successfully? > > If so, what did you use? > > If not, (this ought to be a good one) what sealant would you suggest I > try? (My Brother Tony suggested 3m 4200, but I'm not sure about that one) > > As always, suggestions, stories and wise-assed remarks are all welcome! > > thx > > Tom B > > Tom Buscaglia > SV Alera > 1990 C&C 37+/40 > Vashon Island WA > (206) 463-9200 > > > _______________________________________________ > > Email address: > > To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go to the > bottom of page at: > > > >
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