Hi Dave
It should work, but another down side is that the salt water will corrode the heat exchanger coils - they aren't designed for salt water. Your hot water tank might not last too long.

Graham Collins
Secret Plans
C&C 35-III #11

On 2015-05-27 10:10 PM, Dave via CnC-List wrote:
Does anyone on the list have a raw water cooled Yanmar 3GM hooked up to a water heater?

I realize that the raw water cooled engine runs cooler than then one with a heat exchanger but I can live with warm and not hot water. However, I was told by a mechanic that this could harm the water pump but since it's simply a rubber impeller turning on a shaft I don't see happening. He also suggested that the increased length/back pressure will lesson the flow through the system.

So, I'm curious to see if hooking the water heater to the 3GM cooling system will harm the engine.

Dave J

C&C 35-3
Bristol, RI


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