        From what you are saying, it sounds like either your T-1275 has failed 
for some reason, or you have a bad connection - possibly in the battery switch 
itself. If you don't have a way to test the battery, then substitute a known 
good battery in its place and see what happens. Absolutely any car battery, 
including the cheapest Walmart, will start your engine if the battery is fully 
charged and in new condition. There is no way that you need to consider 
paralleling starting batteries as a permanent solution to your starting 

Steve Thomas
Port Stanley, ON 

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Edd Schillay via CnC-List 
  To: C&C List 
  Cc: Edd Schillay 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:08
  Subject: Re: Stus-List Darker Smoke, Harder to Start


  When just the T-1275 is engaged, it’s a slow to no churning. When I combine 
with the House Bank, she’ll start up. 

  I know the specs of the engine and the T-1275 say it should work, but the 
numbers are close and, perhaps if the engine was new or in perfect condition it 
would, but the amps just aren’t there to get it going.  

  All the best,


  Edd M. Schillay
  Starship Enterprise
  C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B
  City Island, NY 
  Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log

    On May 26, 2015, at 10:03 AM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

    What makes tou think you don't have enough juice? What are your syptoms?

    Josh Muckley
    S/V Sea Hawk
    1989 C&C 37+
    Solomons, MD



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