Hi Josh, 
Great website articles on line. Like your color scheme ideas too. Some sailors 
get carried away with red and green indicating port and starboard. 

I added solid red racing sheets for the genoa after a friend blew two tacks 
when he stood or sat on the tails during the release. 

Our mainsheet is black w a white fleck and so I chose a smaller solid black 
line for the fine tune. My crosshauls are a single line, white with green and 
red flecks. I found the line on sale and thought the red and green would 
indicate the line covered both port and starboard. 

Our boat's spinnaker pole downhaul is a light blue line that is double ended. 
It changes the look of the boat when rigged, and I should change it to a whiter 
line someday. 

1990 C&C 34R 
Broad Creek, Magothy River, Md 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Josh Muckley via CnC-List" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 
To: "C&C List" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 
Cc: "Josh Muckley" <muckl...@gmail.com> 
Sent: Thursday, May 7, 2015 8:48:40 AM 
Subject: Re: Stus-List halyards 

With the new hi-tech/low stretch lines there really aren't any cons. Rope 
doesn't need fancy splices, it can be cut, you can freshen up the worn end at 
the head or flip it end for end. I considered replacing my sheeves but they 
weren't too badly chewed up and were a "V" shape to accommodate wire or line. I 
was warned that they would "box" the jacket but that wasn't really a problem. 
Just make sure you aren't just going to use stretchy rope like Sta-set. Low 
stretch was the whole reason for wire rope in the first place. I'm a big fan of 
Yale Crystalline and like Sampson Warpspeed as a close second. Here's a link to 
the PS article that tested the stretch and compared it to cost. 


If you are replacing halyards then now is the opportunity to consider the color 
coordination of the lines. I found and article that suggested a color theme for 
each sail. I chose red for my spinnaker, blue for the headsail and green for 
the main. Solid colors for the halyards and various fleck paterns in the same 
theme for each sail's control lines. The main was tricky cause there are so 
many controls and not enough variations of fleck. I came close to a solution by 
using the same rope for the similar controls. Main sheet, traveler and vang are 
white with green fleck. Cunningham is solid green with white fleck. Halyard, as 
mentioned before, is just solid green. 

Josh Muckley 
S/V Sea Hawk 
1989 C&C 37+ 
Solomons, MD 
On May 7, 2015 7:42 AM, "Allen White via CnC-List" < cnc-list@cnc-list.com > 

I am sure this has been on the list before, but I cannot find it. 

The wire to rope halyards on my 26 are done. I think I should go to all rope. 

Pros , cons 

Does anyone know a good source for replacement sheaves ? 


Rhinebeck, NY 

C & C 26 Windfall 


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