
By making a cutout in the bulkhead between the desired area for the A/C and the 
storage space under the starboard settee, the motor (which protrudes outward 
from the unit slightly) can fit into that space.  This is what I did on mine...

Pricing looks good on the unit you have selected.  Flagship Marine is located 
in Stuart, FL--since you are in FL, why don't you go and pick it up if you 
don't like the shipping costs?  There's no way to get around state tax unless 
you buy it on-line from another state or use it in a business somehow.


On Apr 29, 2015, at 3:31 PM, PME via CnC-List wrote:

> Hi,
> I wanted to give an update on what I have decided to order.   First off, it 
> turns out that installation location eliminates several of the AC units from 
> consideration. On my LF38, this location is a cabinet between the starboard 
> settee and the head(similar to were several LF38 owners have units).  This 
> location has plenty of depth and height, but limited width. Taken this into 
> account, these were the units I found that met these considerations:
> [1] Dometic/Cruisair vector-turbo/stowaway-turbo
> [2] Mermaid M16
> [3] Flagship FM16R
> While I liked the Dometic/Cruisair unit, it’s base price is $1k more than the 
> others and for the DYI person, there is a reduction to the warranty for not 
> having the unit dealer installed(2yrs -> 1yr).  With regards to Mermaid, I 
> have found that there are those who love it and those who hate it.  I 
> remembered that Defender sold these units, and so I sent them an email asking 
> if they can still obtain Mermaid products.  Here is Defender’s reply, 
> ”Unfortunately Defender is no longer selling Mermaid AC units. Due to some 
> customer service issues we had, we did server ties with that particular 
> company."  I went to the Mermaid website which lists an internet price, but 
> when I called for more information, I was told that the price increased  back 
> in February and that their "IT guy” has not gotten around to update the 
> website.  Adding all this up, I feel I would be asking for trouble going with 
> Mermaid.   
> The good news is that from the get go, I have been impressed with Flagship 
> Marine.  They have been very responsive to inquires and accommodating to my 
> needs, and they have factory direct pricing and a plethora of information on 
> their website.   So I have decided to go with the Flagship FM16R w/ heat 
> option, 115V, top discharge, with remote enclosure option to further reduce 
> the width.    The only hard thing to swallow is the nearly $250 for FL taxes 
> and shipping.  The specs are listed below.  
>       • Flagship Marine   FM16R w/ heat & digital thermostat
>               • load:  11.3A/18.1A  cool/heat
>               • 16,500 BTU/hr
>               • size: 21.5x14.6x13.5,  77lbs
>               • warranty: 5yr/1yr  parts/labor
>               • refrigerant: NU22
>               • made in the USA
>               • base price: $1,709+$78(remote option)
>               • website: 
> -
> Paul E.
> 1981 C&C 38 Landfall 
> S/V Johanna Rose
> Carrabelle, FL
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> Email address:
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Bob Boyer
S/V Rainy Days (1983 C&C Landfall 38 - Hull #230)

"There is nothing--absolutely nothing--half so much worth doing as simply 
messing about in boats." --Kenneth Grahame


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