Hi Derek, 

I respectfully disagree with the strip / barrier coat comments..  I would 
find the best "bottom guy" on the lake  / in the Toronto area and have him 
look at it.  He might tell you something like: "It's very common for those 
boats in fresh to water to develop hairline cracks / no big deal"  (BTW 
fresh water is much worse for osmosis issues). It could also be a "Fix it 
now / or pay much more later" Point is:  You have it looked at by a guy 
who's been doing bottoms on the lake for 30 years.. I'll pretty much know 
what's what. 

Stripping to the gelcoat might be a huge job..  It was on mine, we found 
20 + coats of bottom paint before we got to the gelcoat.  I was so glad I 
did not attempt that job.. With the rest of my work / family schedule the 
boat wold have been in the yard till August..    What if you don't have to 
do it right away and would rather spend the time / money elsewhere? 

About the barrier coat..  I was strongly advised against it on my lake. My 
guy knew as it had done it several times over the last 30 years and had to 
deal with the too often un-happy results..  If your bottom is not really 
dry then it traps the moisture in and can  / does promote blisters... 

I'm not trying to tell you barrier coats are bad. I'm just saying it 
depends.  On a brand new boat: good idea. On a 25-30+ year old boat: not 
necessarily.  The 30 years experience guy on your lake, he'll know (Local 
water  / conditions knowledge is key). 

Best of luck. 

-Francois Rivard
1990 34+ 'Take Five"
Lake Lanier, Ga


If you are worried I would strip bottom to gelcoat.  Then assess the 
problem.  You will at the very least wish to apply a barrier coat such as 
Interprotect after stripping


-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On Behalf Of Derek 
McLeod via CnC-List
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 10:11 AM
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Subject: Stus-List Hairline cracks in hull surface

My new to me 1983 29-2 has some fine hairline cracks in various areas on 
the hull. I don't know if they extend through the bottom paint or are more 
superficial, but they can be felt when you run your hand over them. It is 
painted with VC17 and I plan to recoat with that. I'm wondering how to 
best deal with the cracks? Does epoxy filler stick to VC17? I have West 
System products for other repairs. Sand down to the bottom of the cracks? 
I guess I then need to do 5 coats of Interprotect before the VC17? 

Derek McLeod
C&C 29-2

Derek McLeod Design
C (416) 707-0291

François Rivard
 4111 Northside Pkwy, Nw

Big Data Black Belt
 Atlanta, 30327-3015
IBM Sales & Distribution, Software Sales



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