Speaking of forestay, what is the proper way to determine the correct forestay 
tension?    Dave

On Apr 28, 2015, at 7:14 PM, Tim Goodyear via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 

> Robert,
> I think the only things missing from your setup numbers are rake and 
> pre-bend.  Our forestay length is also very easy to adjust (not that I do 
> often).
> Thanks,
> Tim
> On Apr 28, 2015, at 4:01 PM, robert via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 
> wrote:
>> What Dwight is referencing is a race we did with a Kirby 25 and were 
>> embarrassed on the race course.  And we were especially bad on starboard 
>> tack....we kept wondering all day what was wrong....almost blaming one 
>> another for our poor performance, e.g. you can't be pointing high enough, 
>> you can't have my sails trimmed.    After the race, first we discovered the 
>> shroud turnbuckles were not pinned.....I thought they were because I thought 
>> I pinned them after I tensioned rig tension.  Dwight discovered by applying 
>> Pythagorean's theorem that the top of the mast was out of column by 18" to 
>> port.  Any wonder why the boat was not performing the way it/we previously 
>> did.
>> That never happened a second time!
>> The 32's rig is set at cap shrouds 1,300 lbs.,  lowers 1,200,  intermediates 
>> 500 lbs.,  backstay at rest 1,000 lbs.,  babystay 600 lbs......haven't 
>> measured the headstay tension but it is about 4" to 6"  bowed with a 135% 
>> under power.    And since I stopped racing, I have become lazy and am just 
>> happy to have my mast in column and the rig not bending/stressing the boat, 
>> and go sailing almost every day during our sailing season..... averaged over 
>> 100 days per season for the last 5 years on AZURA....and that does not 
>> include a dozen or so sails each season on other people's boats.
>> Rob Abbott
>> C&C 32 - 84
>> Halifax, N.S.
>> On 2015-04-28 7:15 PM, dwight veinot wrote:
>>> Robert
>>> I think you might have learned the hard way about what rig tune means in 
>>> that race we had with the K25 when we got whooped big time, especially on 
>>> stbd tack...no good at all if the mast isn't plumb, right???
>>> I am not sure if anyone can feel tension as accurately as the gage does it 
>>> and the less expensive Loos gage for wire rigging ain't too bad either...i 
>>> like it, at least it tells me stbd is the same tension as port but you have 
>>> to use it right...everybody here, don't ever underestimate the importance 
>>> of rig tune for performance, and that means perfromance as a function of 
>>> expected wind strength and as wind strength varies so does optimum rig 
>>> tension on these older boats, especially for pointing...y'all have to find 
>>> out the hard way by experimenting with your own craft...a gage is essential 
>>> for that experiment...Rob has the right gear for tuning rod rigging, he 
>>> sets his rig up year after year for what works best on his 32, he doesn't 
>>> race Azura so he doesn't vary his optimum rig tension for wind conditions 
>>> all that ofeten, maybe a little more tension when the heavy fall winds hit 
>>> here...no matter he likes what he got and that's OK until another 32 on the 
>>> same point of sail blows him away...everyone is still learning, me, you and 
>>> him too, get a gage and have some fun experimenting...watch you angle to 
>>> apparent wind and your speed over ground on the GPS!!!
>>> Dwight Veinot
>>> C&C 35 MKII, Alianna
>>> Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS
>>> d.ve...@bellaliant.net
>>> On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 4:40 PM, robert via CnC-List 
>>> <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
>>> On everything up top on the standing rigging, I now use only SS cotter 
>>> pins.....this is because on several occasions, and I can not explain how it 
>>> happened, the split rings vanished.  Luckily, nothing fell down before the 
>>> missing split ring was detected.  I have no explanation how the split rings 
>>> disappeared but I do know that since being replaced with cotter pins, there 
>>> has not been been a missing pin.
>>> The thread Subject is "rig tuning"......on that note I have rod rigging and 
>>> a Loos RT10 tuning gauge is a must for me......I can't pull on shrouds and 
>>> tell how much tension is there.  Now someone will chime in and tell me to 
>>> measure my threads in the turnbuckles.  But how do you initially do that 
>>> without a reference point with the benefit of a gauge.  
>>> When we were campaigning our Kirby 25, we made rig adjustments depending on 
>>> the conditions.  We still used a Loos gauge to take the guessing out of the 
>>> equation.
>>> I shouldn't admit this but I will.....on my shroud turnbuckles, I use the 
>>> small plastic pull/lock strings (or whatever they are called).  Once I get 
>>> my rig tuned early in the Spring after a few sails, it stays that way all 
>>> season unless I adjust it after periodic checking with the Loos gauge and 
>>> sighting the mast, of course.
>>> Rob Abbott
>>> C&C 32 - 84
>>> Halifax, N.S.
>>> With the cover just removed and no launch date set yet.
>>> On 2015-04-28 2:02 PM, Joel Aronson via CnC-List wrote:
>>>> Tim,
>>>> How often do you make adjustments?  Do you have a tension gauge for rod 
>>>> rigging?
>>>> Joel
>>>> On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 12:57 PM, Tim Goodyear via CnC-List 
>>>> <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
>>>> I got those (wrap pins) last year - and am very happy with them - no sharp 
>>>> edges, no messing around with rigging tape to make adjustments.
>>>> Tim
>>>> Mojito
>>>> C&C 35-3
>>>> Branford, CT
>>>> On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 9:03 AM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List 
>>>> <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
>>>> Might give these a try too.
>>>> http://www.defender.com/product3.jsp?path=-1|10918|2303303|2303306&id=2546248
>>>> On Apr 28, 2015 9:48 AM, "Pete Shelquist via CnC-List" 
>>>> <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
>>>> A comment was made to me the other day that if an insurance company sees 
>>>> split rings at the rigs turnbuckles (vs cotter pins) that coverage will be 
>>>> null and void.  I found nothing in my policy stating this detail. 
>>>> Anyone else ever hear of this?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Pete
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>>>> Joel 
>>>> 301 541 8551
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1990 C&C 34+
New London, CT


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