Yes an ACR is an 'Automatic Charge Relay', which is really a VSR or 'Voltage Sensitive Relay'. Connected between the positives of the two batteries (or banks of batteries), it is an automatic switch that closes and combines the batteries together when it senses a charging voltage on one of them, in order to charge the 2nd battery bank, and opens to disconnect the two batteries when the voltage drops (indicating charging has finished or discharge is occurring), so that the 2nd battery is not discharged as well. They also will not connect to a severely discharged battery or when an over voltage is sensed (battery or charger failure). And they disconnect during starting. Other companies make similar products, such as Yandina or Magnacharge. Also, it should be noted that these types of devices are much better than the older-style diode-based battery isolators, which because of the voltage drop associated with diodes don't efficiently charge the 2nd battery.

We've had quite a discussion going on these types of devices recently, under the various iterations of this wiring thread.

Peter Fell
Sidney, BC
C&C 27 MkIII

-----Original Message----- From: Marek Dziedzic via CnC-List
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2015 5:37 AM
To: 'Alex Giannelia' ;
Subject: Re: Stus-List Ed Shillay's Wiring Diagramme

Automatic Charging Relay.

If I am not mistaken it is a Blue Sea answer to the Echo Charger.


-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Alex Giannelia via CnC-List
Sent: April-06-15 08:25
Subject: Re: Stus-List Ed Shillay's Wiring Diagramme

What is ACR?



Alex Giannelia
+1 (416) 203-9858 Office
+1 (416) 529-0070 Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: Leslie Paal []
Sent: April-05-15 10:53 PM
To: Alex Giannelia;
Subject: Re: Stus-List Ed Shillay's Wiring Diagramme

no such thing as a dumb question. We all learning all the time, some of us know more on a subject than others and I am sure those in the know will help....

Phoenix C&C32 1983
On Sat, 4/4/15, Alex Giannelia via CnC-List <> wrote:

Subject: Stus-List Ed Shillay's Wiring Diagramme
To: "" <>
Date: Saturday, April 4, 2015, 8:21 AM

Hi Edd,  I love your diagramme and
will be lurking on this list to get answers of my own. Mine is a bit simpler than yours, but I plan to re-wire my AC/DC stuff after having my electric motor put in and will be re-wiring everything to replace the old companionway panel with a Nav station panel and cockpit sub panel and all the old wires with new tinned ones. So, I will compose my questions to you first, then later when back from the boat. My boat will, out of space etc and personal leanings be a bit less ambitious than yours, but am intrigued with all the devices. So, if you don’t mind a pile of dumb questions, let me fire away. Regards, Alexander M.
GianneliaPresident  the airborne sensing
corporation555 Richmond Street West, Suite 912, PO Box 1008, Toronto, Ontario M5V 3B1, Canada Phone (416) 203-9858Mobile (416) 529-0070Fax
(416) 203-9843
 *Notre site web est
aussi disponible en français!

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