You need to look at your particular casting and forestay configuration.  I
know on my 35-1 the forestay is attached to a stainless tang which is
through bolted to the fiberglass of the bow and simply passes through a
slot the bow casting.  The casting and tang do not appear to be connected
in any way.

Dennis C.
Touche' 35-1 #83
Mandeville, LA

On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Tom Lochhaas via CnC-List <> wrote:

> The question about the 37 stemcast casting replacement reminded me about
> an issue on my 1980 Landfall 38 that has nagged at me (or terrified me,
> depending on my mood). My casting has some possibly serious cracks in it,
> mostly likely originating in stresses placed by a the mooring line over the
> bow roller when Hurricane Irene swept through New England a few years ago
> (with enough force to open the mooring eye by breaking a weld and bending
> 1-inch steel). When I first noticed the cracks, someone (who seems
> generally knowledgeable) in my boatyard commented not to worry (much)
> because, he said, the forestay itself attaches to metal embedded in the
> hull - in essence, that cracks in the stemhead piece overall would not
> threaten the rig. I'm nervous, since I realize I shouldn't just accept a
> person's word for it - and the cracks seem to be worsening. I suspect
> someone on this list may know enough about the boat's construction to give
> me either partial relief or full terror - does the forestay's mounting
> depend on the integrity of that casting overall? (If so, I guess I'm in the
> same position as Pete in looking for a new one!)
> Thanks.
> Tom Lochhaas
> Newburyport, MA 01950
> 1980 Landfall 38 Topanga
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