The question about the 37 stemcast casting replacement reminded me about an
issue on my 1980 Landfall 38 that has nagged at me (or terrified me,
depending on my mood). My casting has some possibly serious cracks in it,
mostly likely originating in stresses placed by a the mooring line over the
bow roller when Hurricane Irene swept through New England a few years ago
(with enough force to open the mooring eye by breaking a weld and bending
1-inch steel). When I first noticed the cracks, someone (who seems
generally knowledgeable) in my boatyard commented not to worry (much)
because, he said, the forestay itself attaches to metal embedded in the
hull - in essence, that cracks in the stemhead piece overall would not
threaten the rig. I'm nervous, since I realize I shouldn't just accept a
person's word for it - and the cracks seem to be worsening. I suspect
someone on this list may know enough about the boat's construction to give
me either partial relief or full terror - does the forestay's mounting
depend on the integrity of that casting overall? (If so, I guess I'm in the
same position as Pete in looking for a new one!)

Tom Lochhaas
Newburyport, MA 01950
1980 Landfall 38 Topanga

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