An EPIRB is nice, but a PLB is certainly good enough to get help.
As for the raft – if it were a race you would need one. The first time I did 
that route our “raft” was a Dyer dinghy on the cabin top.  This was in 1976 
when safety was not really a thing like it is now. We would have been totally 
f’d if the boat had sunk in anything but flat calm.
I would think through the following:

1.       Fire

2.       Extreme weather

3.       Getting run over

4.       Structural failure/massive leak

Think about how well the dinghy would do for these problems. I think #2 is not 
real likely, but 1 and 3 would not be good unless the dinghy was ready to go.

Joe Della Barba


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Daniel Sheer 
via CnC-List
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2015 2:44 PM
To: Cnc-list CNC Boat Owners
Subject: Stus-List Appropriate safety gear for a trip to Boston

Advice please. I'm taklng Pegathy from Baltimore to Boston and back in June. 
I've got an 8 foot inflatable, a gps based plb (McMurdo FastFind 210), and a 
new VHF with an AIS receiver. The only offshore planned is from Cape May to 
Block Island. Everything else will be close to shore. Do I need to bother with 
a life raft and/or a real epirb?

Dan Sheer
Pegathy LF 38
Rock Creek off the Patapsco


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