Too late for that. I have a Garhauer vang.
Garhauer locked up a contract with Catalina some time ago, which I believe provided them with enough of a predictable and significant revenue stream to staff up and provide a good customer service staff. Frankly, before they landed that contract they already had a great reputation for quality and service, although the hardware was a bit heavy.
I honestly don't know what is going on up north. I hear that there will be an election up in the USA in a year or two or three. <VBG>
Maybe everything has changed, but frankly I love those folks. Wal Marek wrote:
+1 on that. But I am not sure if we should spread the word too far. We risk that everyone would flock to Garhauer and they would be overwhelmed, raise the prices and drop the customer support. we cannot afford to deal with overly successful companies. We probably should keep quiet about it.
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