Agree that lazy jacks are one way to make fueling the main easy. However I use 
a simple method whenever short handed or even fully crewed.  Pass halyard with 
one turn around the winch to the helm. One crew goes to the mast and from in 
front of the mast facing after "flakes" the luff by pulling the rope bolt 
between the slides to alternate sides while the helm lets down the sail. With 
practice and coordination the sail can com down pretty fast. The leech is left 
to fall wherever. Once the sail is full down the person at the mast moves to 
the leech. And following the flakes at the luff, flakes the whole sail, putting 
sail ties on as he moves forward along the boom. Works well for me and the 
admiral on my 35mIII. 

Indigo C&C 35III

> On Feb 23, 2015, at 19:15, Burt Stratton via CnC-List <> 
> wrote:
> This is another newby question but I know you guys will be kind… and helpful
> I spoke with another sailor this weekend who informed me that there is some 
> sort of rigging set up that actually assists in the raising and lowering of 
> one’s mains’l
> I cannot for the life of me remember what it was called but I have seen them 
> on many other yachts. It looks like a web of lines on both sides of the main. 
> The function being to help furl it onto the top of your boom when lowering or 
> keeping it out of the water when raising. It also looks like it might second 
> as a topping lift.
> Mt question is what is it called and where might I find it (or is it 
> something we just make out of spare lines and install ourselves… because we 
> are sailors, after all)
> This could be the answer to my primary concern sailing with a crew that 
> specializes in mixology. I can furl my jib myself while driving the boat 
> (roller furl). The main is by far my biggest challenge.
> 1974 C&C 33 - 3 quarter tonner
> On keel blocks in 5 feet of snow
> Walpole, MA
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