I have the Standard Horizon handheld and I consider it my 2nd most
important safety device ( my PFD in #1). I race in San Francisco Bay and I
want to be plucked out of that cold water as quickly as possible.  I also
race offshore on a Cal 40 and again I want to be rescued quickly.  I have
the radio registered with my C&C 29 by default (through MMSI registration
with Boat US.  Then when I race on the Cal 40 I just login to Boat US and
change the details to show I am on the Cal.  It takes me 5 minutes, and as
soon as I am onshore I set it back to my C&C.  It's that easy.

I think everyone should have a handheld with DSC.

On Saturday, February 21, 2015, Dennis C. via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

> Personally, I'd pop extra $$ for the new HX870.  It floats and has built
> in GPS.  If I'm in the water, I'd want the thing broadcasting my location.
> Dennis C.
> On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 1:22 PM, Joel Aronson via CnC-List <
> cnc-list@cnc-list.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','cnc-list@cnc-list.com');>> wrote:
>> All,
>> Found out that the local racing authority, CBYRA, will require a handheld
>> VHF with DSC this season.
>> Looking at a Standard Horizon HX851 Handheld VHF Radio with GPS from
>> theGPSStore for $125.00
>> Any reason I should not buy this unit?
>> 35/3
>> The Office
>> Annapolis
>> Joel
>> 301 541 8551
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Ian Matthew
"Siento el Viento" C&C 29 mk 1
San Francisco Bay

Sent from my iPad using Gmail Mobile

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