>Mineral spirits or diesel fuel or Kerosene are good solvents for cleaning 
>the grease from winches. 

For those more challenging projects the Castrol Super Clean works well.
I think the product has changed over the years, may be a different company
making it now. I have a couple jugs from a few years ago. Serious stuff, cleans
neglected winches to squeaky clean and rinses with warm water.


No idea if the current product is the same as what I have.
Normal cautionary note here - wear gloves and don't breath the fumes.
It eats aluminum and pot metal, paint ...

Also, note that ball - roller - needle bearings are designed to roll. Some
of the new super lubricates are so slippery that things slide instead, which
may increase resistance and wear.  

Michael Brown
C&C 30-1

Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2015 12:58:06 -0500 
From: Ed Dooley <edoo...@madriver.com> 
To: "CNC boat owners, cnc-list" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 
Subject: Re: Stus-List Barient winches. 
Message-ID: <d10e302a.92d3%edoo...@madriver.com> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" 
I use spray lithium grease on my Barient 10ST winches. It penetrates better 
than a brush and lasts a long time (and is less messy). 
There are many brands, including WD-40. I missed the original post, and I 
imagine from one reply that the original poster is in Australia. 
Lewmar, with many retailers around the world, including Oz, owns Barient. I 
buy my Barient repair kits from Lewmar dealers. 
From:  Chuck S <cscheaf...@comcast.net> 
Date:  Sat, 21 Feb 2015 15:38:09 +0000 (UTC) 
To:  Steve Thomas <sthom...@sympatico.ca>, "CNC boat owners, cnc-list" 
Subject:  Re: Stus-List Barient winches. 
A small terry hand towel laid on deck is great to hold dirty parts and keep 
them from sliding around.  Another trick is to cut a hole in a shallow 
cardboard box ( w 4" high sides) so it can be placed over the winch, to 
catch parts.  I find cardboard boxes for projects like this really save the 
deck too.  On windy days, you have to take other precautions though. 
 Mineral spirits or diesel fuel or Kerosene are good solvents for cleaning 
the grease from winches.  Stu's website has the entire Barient Catologue as 
well as cleanng procedures, and the detailed drawings that help a great 
deal.  All downloadable. 
I find after a good cleaning, and drying, oil the pawls and springs w 3 in 1 
Oil and grease the gears using a small acid brush, sparingly according to 
instructions.  Next year, you can probably skip the heavy cleaning, just oil 
the pawls, and add a little grease using the acid brush. 
I keep a tube of grease, a bottle of 3 in 1 oil, small acid brushes and 
maybe a plastic scraper in a ziplock sandwich bag, marked w sharpie, 
WINCHES, w my spare parts. 
1990 C&C 34R 
Broad Creek, Magothy River, Md 
From: "Steve Thomas via CnC-List" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 
To: "mike amirault" <amira...@eastlink.ca>, cnc-list@cnc-list.com 
Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2015 9:58:14 AM 
Subject: Re: Stus-List Barient winches. 
The only tricky bit is in not losing the pawls or springs. 
A cloth fastened between the toe rail and lifeline may help. 

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