The guy who owns Holland Marine in Toronto has (or at least had) a CS36 but
I don't know if it is a Merlin.
He also got a lot of CS left over parts, after CS closed down.
It is possible that he got some of their documentation as well, I do know
that he got a LOT of stuff.
If memory serves correctly, he even had at least one of their molds.
It is not Florida, but they might be able to help.
I have had mixed results in communicating with them over the years,
especially by telephone, so be prepared to be patient.
A lot of people have had nothing but a positive experience, so maybe that
was just me.
Steve Thomas
I imagine that Bruno will be back with more details but in the meantime
the boat involved is a CS Merlin 36 ft. long. If somebody knows of a CS
newsgroup similar to our C&C group it could be of a big help.
Caprice 1
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