Just a note, a vibrating saw with a flexible caulk cutting blade might make 
port removal easier.

Dennis C.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 8, 2015, at 9:03 AM, Robert Abbott via CnC-List 
> <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Rex:
> Below is a description of the window installation project on our C&C 32 done 
> some years ago....I have posted this here several times so for the C&C 
> listers that have previously read this, use your 'DELETE' key.  Trusting this 
> might help and don't use 3M 5200.
> Our 1984 - 32 had original side cabin windows that leaked.....no matter 
> what I tried to stop the leaks, it didn't work. The last straw was when 
> we put new upholstery on the boat in 2009....I couldn't put up with 
> leaks any more.
> So in the Spring 2010, while the boat was still under the white 
> shrinkwrap cover, the decision was made to install new windows.  I first 
> asked some of the contractors around the boatyard what they would charge 
> to do the job.....most said they wouldn't do it because the windows 
> don't have frames and/or screws.....two problems for the 
> contractors....without frames and/or screws, the job is more time 
> consuming and hard to provide an estimate of time, and second, without 
> frames and/or screws, they can't guarantee the windows will stay in 
> place.  I must warn you, this is a time consuming job.
> Find a source for your new windows....make sure they will cut the new 
> ones for you.....take your old ones to be used as templates.  I used the 
> same material (acrylic) and color as the old windows.
> To remove the old windows (OWs), I took a narrow putty knife and cut 
> about an inch off the blade and then sharpened the blade with a file. 
>  From the inside, I cut out each window with the putty knife and a 
> hammer.  Three windows came out without incident.....then shit happened 
> on the port, forward window......I got the sides and bottom cut but I 
> couldn't easily cut the top of that window.  The original adhesive C&C 
> used was two part plexus and after 25 years it hardens like resin.....as 
> careful as I was I still managed to push the bottom of the window out 
> causing the top to come loose and take a strip of gelcoat with it. 
> Another repair job and another story, and another reason why the 
> contractors don't like to provide an estimate on these jobs......you 
> don't know for sure what you are getting yourself in for.
> OWs out...cleaned them up and took them to Sabic Polymer to have new 
> windows cut.....same thickness, material, color.  The new windows (NWs) 
> will have paper on both sides....don't remove the paper.
> Now to clean up the frames....the prep is very important....I used a 
> drummel tool with a fine bit to remove most of the old adhesive, then a 
> palm sander, then hand sanded.  Filled any imperfections in the frame 
> with polyster resin bought at an automotive store.  When the frames are 
> cleaned, it is time to place the NWs into them (dry, no adhesive) to 
> determine the actual fit.
> Place each NW into its respective frame and from the inside, draw a line 
> with a marker along the inside of the frame onto the paper on the NW. 
> You will need to have someone hold the NW from the outside or have the 
> NW braced...I will get to the bracing shortly.  The inside paper along 
> the line must be cut from the window with a razor blade or sharp utility 
> knife.  It is this part on the NW that will be glued to the frame. I 
> repeat, it is a slow and labor intensive job.....patience is required.
> When the inside paper along the line has been cut and removed, there 
> will be about an inch of NW exposed......rough up this exposed glass 
> with sand paper.
> With a good quality masking tape, tape the frames both inside and 
> outside...do a good job with this as it is important for cleanup.  Also 
> have plenty of rags for cleanup and a solvent like Varsol.....if you use 
> Sika as the adhesive, it is black and messy.
> Now you are ready to begin installing the NWs.  I researched what 
> adhesive to use and I went with Sikaflex 295 UV and if you choose this 
> as well, make sure you get the Sikaflex primer.....it is expensive, but 
> don't, I repeat, don't do this without using the Sika primer.
> Two tubes of Sika 295 will be sufficient......I had both tubes opened, 
> each in a caulking gun.....one tube I had the end cut to produce a 
> 'triangle bead'.....the second tube had the normal small bead.
> Take your Sika primer and apply to one frame at a time......then apply 
> the primer to the NW where you cut the paper from.  Read the 
> instructions carefully and watch the time between applying the primer 
> and then the adhesive......I think you should wait about 10 to 20 
> minutes maximum.
> Take the caulking gun with the triangle bead and apply liberally to the 
> inside of the NW.....then take the second gun and apply a bead of Sika 
> all along the 90 deg. angle of the frame.  Use lots of adhesive.....when 
> you fit the NW into the frame, you want adhesive coming out all around 
> the window/frame.....as such, there will be lots of adhesive and 
> hopefully no voids between the NW and frame.  I did not use spacers 
> between the window and frame.  I know it is recommended, I actually had 
> the spacers but thought against it.  For me, it was just another place 
> for problems to occur down the road.  Just make sure you use lots of 
> adhesive to achieve at least an 1/8" thickness.
> Now, that the NW is in place, you have to brace it to let the adhesive 
> cure.  Beforehand, I went around the boatyard and collected pieces of 2" 
> X 4" that members were throwing away from winter covers and cut them 
> into 23.5" pieces......12 pieces in total.....3 for each window.  Once 
> the window was in place, I would put 3 pieces of the wood against the 
> window and braced the bottom against the toerail.  ON each piece of 
> wood, I placed a flat rock/brick about 7 to 10 lbs. each to keep the 
> window firmly braced.
> As soon as the NW was firmly braced, remove the masking tape both inside 
> and outside before the adhesive cures.  Once it begins to cure, it will 
> make removing the tape a messy challenge.
> After the tape is removed, remove the paper on the inside of the NW 
> being careful not the get the adhesive on anything.  Leave the outside 
> paper on until after the braces are removed.  I let mine cure for two 
> full days before removing the wooden braces.
> One window done and three more to go.
> After all the wooden braces are removed, you can remove the outside 
> paper and do any finishing work with a razor blade or utility knife 
> removing any excess adhesive.
> Rob Abbott
> C&C 32 - 1984
> Halifax, N.S.
> On 2015/02/07 8:18 PM, Rex & Jennifer Delay via CnC-List wrote:
>> We have a relatively new to us 1985 41.            The windows and hatches 
>> had been replaced by the previous owner.  Hatches were done right, the side 
>> windows were bedded in silicone, not right.  I had to re-bed one of them 
>> already but did not get all traces of the silicone off so it did not take.  
>> Need to do it again as soon as possible which will involve removing the 
>> window, scraping clean and then wiping the cabin side with acetone and 
>> re-bedding with 5200.  The question is – there are no mechanical fastenings? 
>>  Should I add screws every 4” or so or create some sort of method to press 
>> the windows in place while the 5200 sets?  Anyone come up with the perfect 
>> jig to do this or is it better to add screws?  Large custom bar clamps?
>> Rex & Jennifer Delay
>> www. Ghostlake.com
>> www.ghostlakesailing.com
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