On New Years Day 2015 we brought Osprey (30-2) back from Hood River, OR
(where we spent the Christmas Holiday and weekend) to Portland where she is
berthed. It was 14* when we left the dock at 7am (The dock lines were very
tough because frozen) and didn't reach above 25* till late afternoon. We
had a rollicking sail down the Columbia in 35+knots on the tail. We hit *12.3
knots* GPS speed under 100% jib alone! (with some current assist.) The
biggest problem was that the water froze solid to about 1/4" thick on the
side decks, and the jib sheets were frozen from the few times we dipped the
rails in the water. It was a bear to bend them around the winch and the
self tailer was worthless.

I had two hands on the wheel nearly the entire time, but did manage to grab
this shot of one of the buoys. That white stuff is solid ice! The transom
photo was taken about 3pm when it finally started to warm up and melt some
of the ice gathered along the way.



On Thu Jan 08 2015 at 12:01:00 PM schiller via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

> On 1/8/2015 12:31 PM, Michael Brown via CnC-List wrote:
> Official temp was -28C ( -18.4F ) last night. That is not the "wind chill".
> The house outside thermometer registered -30C ( -22F ) around midnight.
> I am about 100 km north of Toronto. We may see a few days around -30F
> in the winter, rarely may see something closer to -40.
> Better so far compared to the "Polar Vortex" of last year.
> Michael Brown
> Windburn
> C&C 30-1
>  Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2015 08:49:58 -0800
> From: "Ronald B. Frerker" <rbfrer...@yahoo.com>
> To: Joel Aronson <joel.aron...@gmail.com>, cnc-list@cnc-list.com
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Too cold to email?
> Message-ID:
>     <1420735798.94360.yahoomailba...@web122905.mail.ne1.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Got to zero here in STL with a -15 wind chill; hate to hear Fred's tales
> of woe.
> Some cars wouldn't start; guess the electric done froze up in the wires!
> Ron
> Wild Cheri
> C&C 30-1
> --------------------------------------------
> On Thu, 1/8/15, Joel Aronson via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Subject: Stus-List Too cold to email?
> To: "cnc-list@cnc-list.com" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
> Date: Thursday, January 8, 2015, 10:05 AM
> Haven't seen much
> traffic the last few days.? It was 9 F this a.m. in
> Annapolis!? School was delyed 2 hours so the little rugrats
> wouldn't freeze at the bus stop.
> --
> Joel
> 301 541 8551
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> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album.
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>  OK, you win.  It was only -5 degrees F here with clear skies (until
> about 1 pm).  About 8 inches of snow on the ground with another 6-8"
> expected this evening into tomorrow.
> Neil Schiller
> 1970 Redwing 35, Hull #7
> (C&C 35, Mark I)
> "Corsair"
> in frozen South Haven, Michigan
>  _______________________________________________
> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album.
> Please donate to the C&C Photo Album to keep this list free for all
> subscribers.
> Email address:
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