
Which hatch?

Allen Miles
s/v Septima 30-2

From: Kevin Driscoll via CnC-List 
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2014 6:15 PM
To: Joel Aronson ; Edd Schillay ; 
Subject: Re: Stus-List Vents and Rain

I used one of the Nicro vent on my old US27 in the overhead hatch. I was 
surprised at the difference it made in summer especially. I had heard the 
batteries need to be replaced every few years, but did not have an issue. +1 
for vent in hatch.

Osprey 30-2

On Mon Dec 29 2014 at 3:02:55 PM Joel Aronson via CnC-List 
<> wrote:

  Put them in the hatches. Plexi is easier than cabin top. 


  On Monday, December 29, 2014, Edd Schillay via CnC-List 
<> wrote:


    I second Jim Watts’ recommendation of a Day/Night Solar Vent. Though I 
haven’t used them myself on the Enterprise, I’ve heard of others having great 
results with them.  

    The one caveat I’ve heard, in order to really get the benefit, is that you 
should install two; one towards the front of the boat pulling air in and 
another towords the back blowing air out. This will create an air flow that 
will keep the boat fresh. 

    I’m going to do it one of these days, though I’m not sure if I can bring 
myself to drill holes in the deck.  

    All the best,


    Edd M. Schillay
    Starship Enterprise
    C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B
    City Island, NY 
    Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log

      On Dec 29, 2014, at 5:09 PM, Ken Heaton via CnC-List 
<> wrote:

      Hi Dan, 

      As Doug mentioned the usual thing is a Dorade Box.  These are usually 
wooden boxes but there are plastic one available too like this from Defender:|6880|2290139|2290147

      In another reply Jim Watts recommended a Day/night solar vent.  This is 
probably a better way to go as it will continue to move air even when there is 
no wind.  These from Defender:|6880|2290139&id=2290144

      Ken H.

      On 27 December 2014 at 21:21, 
<> wrote:

        Hi Dan, 
        I keep Pegasus at Shilshole.  Come on by if you are in the area. To 
answer your question. The vents sit atop a Dorade box. It has a stand pipe off 
set to the vent. This allows air to enter but funnels the water through drain 
holes in the side of the box. There are also caps that replace the vent scoop. 
        Hope this answers your question.
        Just west of Ballard, WA

        T-Mobile. America's First Nationwide 4G Network.
        ------ Original message------
        From: Dan via CnC-List 
        Date: Sat, Dec 27, 2014 15:51
        Subject:Stus-List Vents and Rain
        I’m wanting to install a vent on my C&C 26 and curious on how the rain 
is kept out?  Seems I live in the Pacific North West where we have an abundant 
of moisture.  Does it have something that can be closed during downpours. 



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